Getting Psychic

54. Two Year Anniversary Update from Suki

Episode 54

Wow, so much has changed since Claire and I recorded the first episode of Getting Psychic. I had no idea how far this journey would unfold and transform my life in such a short period of time. Today, I share a few highlights of the expansion that has taken place in both my health and psychic development! Eckhart Tolle and the topic of our egos come up, and I leave you with a heart-centered mantra to keep in your back pocket.

#GettingPsychic #PsychicJourney #HealthTransformation #EckhartTolle #EgoAwareness #Mindfulness #SpiritualGrowth #HeartCentered #PersonalDevelopment #PsychicExpansion #Transformation  #SelfAwareness

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