Getting Psychic

50. You Can Talk to Animals Too with Nikki Vasconez

Suki McAdams Episode 50

If you didn't think that you were psychic, this episode will change your mind. Nikki Vascones is a renowned Lawyer turned Animal Communicator turned Animal Communication Teacher who shows us first hand that we really can communicate with animals. Today, during our interview, I receive clear communication from Nikki's own dog!
Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking or feeling? In this eye-opening episode you'll learn how you can connect with your animal on a deeper level. This isn't just about understanding their behavior—it's about actual two-way communication. Tune in to find out how YOU can talk to your own animals!
Nikki's mastery of animal communication came from a mere spark of interest that redirected her entire life.  We discuss how communication with animals can make you become a better person to yourself  and that all animals operate from a place of  unconditional love. Nikki gives us many eye-opening tips on how to improve your pets life TODAY. 

Nikki Vasconez

#TalkToYourPets #AnimalCommunication #PetPsychic #AnimalWhisperer #SpeakToAnimals #PetConnection #AnimalIntuition #UnconditionalLove #AnimalHealing #CommunicateWithPets

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